Monday, October 5, 2015

Desmos House

My desmos house was very fun to create. It was fun to create equations that have lines that you can altar with one simple number change. A challenging part was trying to get the circles in the right spot on the graph and the right size for the doorknobs.

Here is a link to my Desmos house I created!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Silly Story

IF I eat one more bowl of soup THEN I will be sick.

IF I get sick THEN I will miss school.

IF I miss school THEN I will miss practice.

IF I miss practice THEN I will loose some conditioning.

IF I loose some conditioning THEN I will get tired faster.

IF I eat one more bowl of soup THEN I will get tired faster.

Verifying Statements

Conditional Statement: IF you are the Oakland Raiders THEN you are a bad football team.

Converse: IF you are a bad football team THEN you are the Oakland Raiders.

Inverse: IF you are not the Oakland Raiders THEN you are not a bad football team.

Contrapositive: IF you are not a bad football team THEN you are not the raiders.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hello World!!!

Hi! I'm Carson Sanders. Right now, the three most important things to me are football, school, and family. This year I am excited about it being my first year in high school. This year I am anxious about getting all of my work done with still time to relax. One thing you might not know about me is that I like to cook food and watch Food Network.